easter was great! we visited some people and shared "the living christ" with them! so that was pretty awesome.
SO. another thing i´m learning in the mission (out of the billion things i´m learning) is how to be a member of the church. seriously when i get home i´m going to go with the missionarys to their appointments! i know that when i get home from my mission i will still be a missionary. and i´m super excited to keep sharing the gospel...where ever i am.
yesterday at church the president of the relief society gave us some time to talk to the sisters. they haven´t been helping us very much this transfer...so it´s been hard. but our mini lesson was super awesome. we basically talked about how this is one work and that we have to work TOGETHER to bring almas unto Christ. yeah i have a name tag that says i´m a representative of the lord but the members are missionaries too. i have a strong testimony of this because of Hugo. every single lesson we had with him there was a member there as well. and he progressed so much faster! and now he knows all the members...and they all know him! the work is SO much more effective when we have members helping us with the progress of investigators. so it´s been hard because the members have lives and families and so it´s hard for them to come with us to appointments. but yesterday when i was bearing my testimony i just started crying haha...and then half the sisters in the relief society started crying. the spirit was super strong...no one could deny it. and after i said "amen", the sisters were like "when can we go out with you?" so hopefully we see some progress with that.
i love love love this gospel so much. i love being a missionary. i love sharing my testimony with anyone that will listen.
hermana steele
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