6/2 It's Like Walking in Sunlight

hola hola!
well its been raining a lot the past week. and everyone says its just barely starting. i really dont like the wind and the rain but im trying to stay positive about it. haha...whats the weather like in texas? i always think of the song that says:
"its a beautiful day even though its dark out there. you´ve got sun on your face, take it with you everywhere. and it warms your heart thats beating and it comes from believing and its a beautiful feeling! its like walking in sunlight, when the whole world is covered in rain clouds. your walking in sunlight...finding the truth and living it out loud. yeah when you know whats right its like walking in sunlight! oh its amazing to me how someone else can find the light that they need radiating in your eyes. and it warms their heart thats beating and suddenly your leading them to that beautiful feeling!" its so true! i love it! even when its dark and cold outside i have sunlight within me always! that sunlight is the message i have to share with the people here in Valdivia. and then they too can have the light i have.  i love being a missionary. 3 nephi 18:24 says "therefore, hold up your light that it may shine unto the world."

so this week hermana clark was super sick...again. i feel super bad for her. but i´m just grateful i haven´t gotten what she has. so i´ve had a lot of time to study! and the other day i was thinking about how the Book of Mormon is always inviting us to come unto Christ. the word come is an invitation. and its always there. there are SO many blessings we recieve when we come unto Christ. when we come to Him, we become more like Him. and that is the purpose of the gospel. our purpose as missionaries is to "invite others to COME UNTO CHRIST"!!! & help them become more like the Savior! and everytime our investigators pray, or read the Book of Mormon, or go to church, they are acepting the call from Him to come and be perfected in Him. HOW AWESOME IS MY CALL?
i seriously love being a missionary! i can´t believe that i´ve been out in the field for 8 months now! time has gone by way too fast. i really have to take advantage of every moment i have as a representative of Christ. i know He lives, and i know He loves me & all of the children of God here in Chile. i love the gospel with all my whole heart!
lots of love, Hermana Steele

SHOUT OUT TO MADDIE G. for getting her mission call!

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