I will live the gospel every single day of my life!

hola familia! how was your last week in tucson!? it´s crazy to think that right now you´re probably in the car driving to TEXAS! how exciting!! ah i´m really excited for you guys! it will be a good change. dad...remember when you bought a texas flag instead of the chile flag?...hahahaha still have the texas flag?
so yesterday we had lunch with one of my favorite members here in valdivia. we started talking about the ward here and how it´s kinda going downhill. (at least that´s what paola said). the ward here in Rio Cruces has almost 600 members...and only 80 attened every sunday. my branch in la union had more sisters in the relief society than the ward here. it´s super sad! hermana paola said it hasn´t always been like this. i´ve only been here for 6 weeks so i just figured it´s always been like this...and yesterday when i found out that there are so many members that aren´t attending church i almost died. and the active members aren´t motivated at all to go and visit the less-active members or magnify their callings. paola was super sad and really overwhelmed. we asked her why she thinks the ward is going through a rough time right now and she told us there´s a lot of factors but that the main reason is that the members aren´t living the gospel in their homes. the members here aren´t doing the simple simple things like saying their prayers, and reading the scriptures, and going to church every sunday...so they are falling away. it´s way hard to see and i feel a lot like paola most days. way overwhelmed. but i know i am here in this ward for a reason and one of my goals for the mission is to strengthen every ward im in. so that´s what i´m doing here...one step at a time. "by small and simple things, are great things brough to pass". that scripture not only applies to me as a missionary, but to the members too. that if they are going the small and simple things, great things will happen!
if i´ve learned one thing here in the mission it´s how to be a member of the church. a GOOD member of the church. i´ve caught a vision of who i want to become and what i want for my future family. i can say without any doubt that when i go home i will LIVE the gospel every single day of my life...even when it´s hard. i´m so grateful for you guys...for teaching me the importance of prayer and scripture study. of course there are people here in chile of examples of who i want to become, but there are also examples of who i do not want to become! i guess that´s something great about the mission...is that we come, change, and go home completely converted to the gospel of jesus christ.
this week we found 2 less-active families in our sector that we didn´t know exsisted. we have a family night planned with one of the families tonight and the other family is super awesome too! i love them SO MUCH. when we knocked on the door they told us to come in. they told us they want to come back to church...and you could tell that they both really have the desires to come back. so we sang a hymn with them and when we finished the mom was like "can we sing more?" IT WAS SO TENDER! i´m way excited to work with this family and help them get to the temple (because they aren´t sealed).
so president rappleye goes home this week. SUPER SAD! i´m so grateful for him and for the opportunity i´ve had to work with him. our new mission president is from mexico! i´m excited to meet him.

well i hope you all have a great week getting moved into the new house! send me pictures plz! i love you all SOOO MUCH! so so much! i love being a missionary and i love the gospel with all my heart!

love, hermana steele

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