2/24 Everyone will know someday!

this week was SUPER AWESOME! hermana bennett and i have been talking to literally EVERY SINGLE PERSON. & we are meeting a lot of new people! really great people!
yesterday, 5 less active members came to church! (when i say less active members i mean like they haven´t attended church for YEARS). saturday we visited one family that i absouletly love. we were sharing a scripture with them and then all of the sudden one of the daughters was like "yeah i want to go to church tomorrow. we need to go dad. i know that if we go we will feel a lot better" it was so awesome and the spirit was so strong as she testified to her dad about the importance of going to church. after she was done talking the dad was like "ya vamos!" (basically he was like yep we are going!) hermana bennett and i were SUPER happy! after chruch the president of the branch came up to hermana bennett and i and was like "hermanas! thank you so much for working so hard with the less active members. it was so awesome to see so many here today." if we are so happy about the fact that so many less acitves came to church today, i can´t even imagine how happy Heavenly Father is. 
also, we have an investigator right now  named hugo. i don´t think ive told you about him? or maybe i have. but anyways, he super awesome! he´s reading the book of mormon and every time we visit him he has new questions. and he loves coming to church! i love seeing his progression and seeing the gospel change his life. he really has the true intention that it talks about in the scriptures. he is going to be baptized in march! 
also we have an investigator named alejandra. i told you about her on christmas when we skyped remember? she´s the one with 3 little girls and her boyfriend is a member but has been waiting for his divorce papers to be registered or something? but GUESS WHAT!? the papers went throught like a month ago! so they are getting married in march!! hermana bennett and i have been fasting and praying for that family like crazy! what a blessing! we are really excited for them!

mom- yeah vegas always makes me kinda sick too. i don´t really like vacationing there. i kinda get the same feeling as you were describing when people here slam the door in my face. i just think "but no! you need this message!" but i always always remember that everyone is going to get the chance to hear the gospel. maybe not today, or tomorrow. maybe not this year, and maybe not in this life. but everyone will know someday. 

im so so grateful for my savior. through his love we can change. his inviation is to follow him and his example and become like him. and im grateful for the opportunity i have everyday to be better and try to become more like him. i love this gospel with all my heart! i know it´s true! 
con mucho amor, hermana steele

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