A week of rejection and miracles

hey family!

this week was a rough one. a really rough one. but we saw some pretty sweet miracles too. i learned a lot this week. i donno where to begin.

the beginning of the week was rough because there weren´t a lot of people at home for new years...and if they were home they would NOT open the door. so after new years there were finally a few people that opened...and we were rejected pretty bad. but i donno, not just rejected but attacked. people told us we don´t know who Jesus is...that we need to go read the bible. so that was pretty frustering. friday night we had an appointment with a couple we are teaching. we ended up watching the Joseph Smith movie with a member here in the ward. after the movie we shared our testimonies with them. and then they were like "no this isn´t true. the bible says to beware of false prophets." and he went on and on and on. in the end we invited him to pray and to ask God about it and promised him that if he asked, he´d get an answer. the next day we went to a less active that doesn´t remember anything about the church. we taught her the plan of salvation. my companion started talking about our life with God before this life. she freaked out telling us that we did not live with God before. we read some scriptures with her but she still didn´t believe it. we invited her to ask God. i truly believe that if people want answers to their questions they can ask God and recieve answers. its important that we ask with right intentions and with faith. and with hearts willing and ready to act on whatever our answers are. 

so anyways, it was a week of lots of rejection. i was feeling really sad there are so many people who need the gospel but aren´t willing to accept it. i want it so bad for them! i started doubting my efforts as a missionary as well. wondering if im doing enough...teaching the gospel efficiently. and i realized that Christ himself was rejected by many. He was the the perfect missionary that ever walked the earth and there were still many people who didn´t believe Him and His gospel...but you´d never call Christ a failure.

like i said, we did see a ton of miracles this week too. we had 2 investigators at church and 7 less active families that we´ve been working hard with. so that was pretty cool. happy happy happy! we´ve also been training some of the members on "how to share the gospel"...haha there´s kinda a culture here that the missionaries do missionary work. so we went to their homes and practiced with them how to give a book of mormon or a pamphlet to someone they know. it was TONS of fun and the members got way excited. so hopefully we´ll see some fruits from that here soon.

anyways, i love you all SO MUCH! thanks for all your prayers! you guys are the best. have a great week!

XOXO hermana steele

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